downing street fire it up campaign

The Department for Education has launched a new campaign to highlight the increasing range of apprenticeship opportunities available across the United Kingdom. Fire It Up aims to continue to get the message out to the public that there countless apprenticeships available to people of all ages, in almost every industry.

Many employers are now fully aware of the benefits apprenticeship roles, and the apprentices themselves, can bring to the business. This is why some of the largest organisations are increasing the amount of roles which are filled by apprentices. Marks & Spencer and Lloyds Banking Group take on thousands of apprentices through government approved schemes.

One of the main problems in filling these roles. Is getting the right standard of applicants applying for them. So an aim of the scheme is to increase awareness, and have them promoted alongside the more traditional career paths schools and colleges inform their students of.

Fire It Up!

As the Prime Minister has previously mentioned. It is important that young people are able to see there are different routes for their futures, different routes into the workplace. And apprenticeships are an important route for some people. Pupils should have the full range of information about different career paths that are open to them.

Speaking about the scheme, the Education Secretary Damian Hinds stated, “We are seeing the apprenticeship system in this country come of age, with leading employers waking up to the benefits apprenticeships can bring.”

“The sad truth is that outdated and snobby attitudes are still putting people off apprenticeships which means they’re missing out on great jobs and higher salaries – many of them in the sorts of firms graduates look to land jobs with after university.”

“It’s vital that we challenge people’s thinking about apprenticeships which is why the Government’s new ‘Fire It Up’ campaign will aim to shift deeply held views and drive more people towards an apprenticeship.”

“At the same time we need to make sure that young people have access to information about all of the opportunities that are out there so we are taking action to make sure all schools invite a wide range of providers in to help young people choose the right career path for them.”

How Will the Message be Spread?

There appears to have been some thought into how to get this message out. The government know this needs to reach young people. So they are targeting the advertising to suit the demographic.

There will be national TV adverts and a lot of advertising across social media. There is also a dedicated website for the campaign. The website contains all the help and advice you could need on apprenticeships. There is also a portal which allows potential apprentices to apply for vacancies across the country.

The Long Term Strategy

The “Fire It Up” campaign is part of the governments 10 year strategy to get more young people into skilled roles. The aim is not just to get young people into higher paying jobs. But also to make the United Kingdom one of the leading places for technical skill education.

This strategy has 3 main points. To increase awareness around what pupils go on to do after school. Including how many students go on to complete an apprenticeship. Opposed to only giving statistics on how many pupils go on to study at university.

The second area to be improved is adding a new standard of Higher Technical Qualifications. This qualification would be a level 4 or 5 apprenticeship. Sitting between A-Levels and a university degree. These courses are aimed at a person who wants to take the next step in their career. Perhaps into a leadership role.

The third area is matching skill gaps to available jobs. Giving local authorities the training and tools they need to identify the areas where skilled workers are required in their area. And creating job opportunities on the back of this.

The aim of Fire It up it to ensure the nation is properly informed about apprenticeships. So, you can find more information on apprenticeships here at TTE.

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