Being one of the most prestigious jobs you can have, many people see engineering as a difficult industry to get into. Being an engineer requires a lot of hard work, but if you’re willing to put in the time then it’s never too late to get into your dream job.

A poor choice when you’re 16 can mean that you don’t have the right courses to take an engineering degree when it’s time to go to university. It may be the fact that your life situation meant you couldn’t go to university, or you have a new found love for engineering. Whatever has taken you off the traditional path; it’s not too late to get back on it.

How to do it

Apprenticeships are wrongly seen as an opportunity just for young people, as an alternative route to university. While it can be a fantastic route for a teenager, they are also open to adults who want to learn a new career. They provide a wonderful opportunity as a way into the career you’ve always wanted.

There are also many courses to take that can improve your skills and help land you a job at an engineering company. These can be completed alongside your current employment whilst you build-up your skillset. Putting in the time and effort is all worth it. Many people get stuck in a job wishing they had made better choices when they were younger, but it’s never too late to make the right choice.

The university option is also still available. If you have taken up responsibilities that mean who can no longer commit to a full-time course at a physical university, there are still options like the Open University where you can get a degree from home. The opportunities are there for you to change your career.

Never too late

Engineering isn’t a closed shop, only open to university students. It’s an industry that constantly needs skilled employees, wherever they come from. Whether you’re 18 and coming out of college, in your early 20’s with a degree, or working full-time in a job you don’t like with a mortgage and children, it’s never too late to get into engineering, and it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

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