According to the Cheshire & Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership, the region’s economic strengths are founded on a skilled and talented workforce, with more people qualified at Level 3 and above than the national average.
The LEP’s website says:
We need to make use of all our talent and with an ageing population and a demand for 71,000 more people qualified to Level 3 or above by 2027, this will be a challenge…it will only be achieved if we skill our existing workforce and ensure that all our young people are able to access good quality learning and the opportunity to progress.”
This is the reason the TTE exists. To help people progress. And according to Ofsted we are outstanding at it.
The LEP website continues:
We know from our analysis that the gap for Level 3+ skills is being felt now. Employers in Cheshire and Warrington are more likely to have skills shortage vacancies in high skill roles and more likely to have bottom line business impacts because of skills shortages.”
Addressing the skills gap is of course not a new challenge nor will it go away quickly, in fact it is predicted to grow, but it does offer an abundance of opportunities. Fast growing companies, like those in our region are boosting their apprenticeship schemes to ensure that they have a talent pipeline.
That talent is you
An apprenticeship is a genuine alternative to university – only without the debt. It’s a blend of study and real-life experience which will help build a strong career. Apprenticeships give the opportunity to work alongside people and have a clear career path. For many it is the obvious choice – and it could be for you. Earn while you learn with the chance to gain professional (and if you want degree level) qualifications.
Apprentices are paid employees of a business, earning a wage which has just been increased in the latest budget statement to £5.28 per hour, which is the minimum they can earn. Apprenticeship pathways don’t have to come to a dead end at Level 3 either. Apprenticeships are available up to Level 7 (Master’s Degree). They are not to be considered lightly.
On completion, many apprentices secure employment with the same employer, but there are many opportunities to progress elsewhere. They work towards a nationally recognised qualification that looks good on a CV and helps to secure jobs in the future. At TTE 95% of apprentices are offered full time positions within their sponsoring companies.
One of the added benefits of an apprenticeship at TTE is our focus on the individual. We help our apprentices with their whole person development, improving their confidence and interpersonal skills with attention on their personal wellbeing and we do that at one of the best outward bound centres in the UK as discussed elsewhere on this website.
TTE Open Evening
TTE Training’s Annual Open Evening takes place on Tuesday 7th February next year from 4.30 -8.30pm. It offers you the chance to come and meet our training officers, our employers and other apprentices. On offer are advanced apprenticeships (Level 3) in Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Process Operations and Laboratory Operations.
Apply and be accepted for one of these courses and you will be learning STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) skills that lead to some of the most exciting careers which are also central to the UK’s future economy and are key to growth and excellence in the region.
In February this year, then Chancellor Rishi Sunak (now Prime Minister) reiterated the government’s commitment to apprenticeships. He said that they played “an essential role in boosting our economy, creating jobs and transforming people’s lives.”
Go transform yourself!